Professional Development

My Journey to Meditation

My Journey to Meditation

I have spent hundreds of hours meditating over the last year and I won’t stop. This is now an important part of my life. In stillness I find that I already have all the answers to my questions and I find better questions to ask. My journey to this practice has been a...

Purposeful Hustle with Deanna Singh

Purposeful Hustle with Deanna Singh

When the work you do is aligned with your purpose, the result is inspired action. Rather than grinding through each day, you are propelled forward by a calling to serve. So, what is your purposeful hustle? And how would your life change if you pursued that passion...

What You Need to Know About Hiring an Executive Coach

What You Need to Know About Hiring an Executive Coach

So, you want to unlock your potential as a leader or develop the capabilities of the leaders in your organization. How do you know if you need a consultant or a coach? How do you go about finding a professional who’s the right fit? And what can you expect from the...

Modern Community with Lola Wright

Modern Community with Lola Wright

The way we gather is changing. The number of traditional faith communities continues to decline as we move into a post-religious society. The question becomes, where will we go for support when we really need it? How do we create a new kind of community that...

The Most Powerful Question You Can Ask

The Most Powerful Question You Can Ask

This is a question I ask at the end of every, single coaching session. I ask it in my marriage. I ask it in my friendships. "How can I support you?" This question empowers the person you are speaking with to create their own solutions. In doing so, we are not "fixing"...

The Entrepreneur Experience

The Entrepreneur Experience

What is it REALLY like to live the life of an entrepreneur? What are the pros and cons of becoming your own boss? Are there secrets around the experience that no one is talking about? Today, we are pulling back the curtain on the entrepreneur experience. We share the...

Creating Space For What Is Truly Important

Creating Space For What Is Truly Important

I’ve lived a notoriously over-scheduled life. I value being productive. Last year I learned that in order to contribute in more meaningful ways, I need space to learn, create, relax, think, and meditate. In general, the space allowed new opportunities and ideas to...

Unlocking High Performance with Jason Lauritsen

Unlocking High Performance with Jason Lauritsen

Work is a relationship. The attributes that drive engagement in the workplace happen to be the same qualities people look for in personal relationships: Feeling valued and cared for. A sense of trust and appreciation. So, what if we treated team members the same way...