Diagnostic Assessments
Assessments serve as the foundation for each Bright Arrow coaching engagement. Gaining unbiased insight into how you, your leaders, and teams “show up” in the world is integral to the formation of sound individual and leadership team development goals. We assess from the outside in (team conditions and stakeholder 360 interviews) and the inside out (individual and team personality profiles, attitudinal assessments).
Bright Arrow uses three foundational inputs when designing a data-driven custom coaching engagement:
- Business artifact discovery – analysing your data and documentation
- Stakeholder interviews – unedited feedback from those with the most direct knowledge of the individual or team dynamic
- Assessment results – unbiased views of participant preferences, behaviors and inclinations
The assessments most used with our clients include: Hogan Leadership Forecast Series and the Team Report, TDS 6 Team Conditions, Energy Leadership Index (ELI), Envisia Development View 360, Myers Briggs, DISC, Enneagram and more.
“The feedback my team gave about me at the beginning of my coaching engagement helped me realize I not only should be fully honest with them, but it is my responsibility as their leader to do so, to help them succeed.”
Grow Your Leadership ACumen
Expand to your full potential as a leader with powerful insights on leadership, communication, employee engagement, teaming best practices, and more. All posts are inspired by the shared challenges and opportunities of our clients.
Get to Know Bright Arrow
Bright Arrow Certified Coaches are highly trained, experienced business executives. Coaches are thoughtfully selected based on their expertise and specialties to ensure a best-fit match with the strategic goals of the clients they serve.