90-Day Commitments Part 1

by | Mar 28, 2019 | Podcast

The prevailing myth is that it only takes 21 days to change a habit. But the truth is that we need much more time to create sustainable change, to rewire our brains and make a new routine automatic. And that’s why we’re challenging YOU to join us in taking on 90-day commitments, going all-in on setting goals that support your overarching intentions for 2019.

Today on the podcast, we discuss how to create meaningful change through 90-day commitments. We share some of our previous commitments, explaining how external practices (like eliminating alcohol) supported internal work (in the realm of clarity). We also explore the idea of rewiring the brain to make a new habit automatic and setting intentions that reinforce your larger, long-term goals.

We go on to set our current 90-day commitments around building a writing and meditation practice and walk you through some of the things we decided NOT to pursue—either because we’re not ready or not entirely inspired by those goals. Listen in for our best tips on pursuing the 90-day challenge and learn to create holistic commitments that support your desired feelings and enhance your life!




Themes explored in this week’s episode:

  • The myth that it only takes 21 days to change a habit and the most current research on the timeline for habit formation
  • How 90-day commitments can create meaningful and sustainable change in our lives
  • Rewiring the brain to make a new habit automatic
  • How Tegan’s 2018 90-day commitments fit in with her overarching intentions around creativity and clarity
  • How Katie overcame a fear of the future by reprogramming her thinking to stay in the present
  • Our current 90-day commitments around writing and meditation
  • What commitments we considered but ultimately decided against because we’re either not ready or not inspired by those goals
  • The significance of setting intentions that support your larger goals for the year
  • Creating commitments that support your desired feelings and enhance your life


Tips for taking on 90-day commitments:

  1. Don’t see it as PASS/FAIL
  2. Be flexible and pivot if you don’t feel good
  3. Spend time up front thinking and planning
  4. Missing a single day won’t reduce your chances of forming a habit
  5. Don’t judge your progress, just observe
  6. Find accountability partners and check in regularly
  7. Understand the triggers behind your old habits
  8. Reward yourself for reaching milestones


Resources from this episode:

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