Are You in Alignment with Your Values?

by | Jun 19, 2018 | Podcast


There are so many of us walking around the world unaware of which values we ascribe to. Sitting down and identifying our values by name isn’t something that we normally think to do. And that’s perfectly okay! But what if getting clear on your core values makes your life (and arguably the lives of the people around you) easier and more enjoyable?

Regardless of what your top values might be, coming to understand exactly which are most important to you helps you better navigate your career and personal life. When we are in alignment with our values we are happier, healthier, and serving a higher purpose in the world. We feel it in our hearts, minds, and bodies.

Check out the entire episode to hear us discuss:

  • What your personal values are and why knowing them is important.
  • Where your values come from.
  • Why it is important that leaders and people in a career transition are in tune with their values.
  • How to figure out your top personal values and what it feels like when you are in alignment with them.
  • What it feels like when you are not in alignment with your personal values.
  • Why Professional Coaches often do value assessments.
  • The difference between company values and personal values.

Which values do you feel most in alignment with? What values are you most out of alignment with right now, and how would you start to address that?

Life + Leadership with Tegan Trovato podcast cover

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