The Future of Work: Millennials as Managers, with Lindsay Boccardo

by | Feb 6, 2020 | Podcast

By 2030, millennials will make up 75% of the global workforce. So, how do they differ from Gen Xers and boomers? And what can companies do to accelerate millennial leadership development?

Today, we’re joined by Lindsay Boccardo, the founder of Lindsay Boccardo Training and Coaching, a practice dedicated to helping companies understand how generational differences among employees impact their relationships at work. A highly sought-after professional speaker, Lindsay travels the US educating organizations seeking to maximize the talent of multiple generations in the workforce. She has been a professional iPEC Coach since 2012, supporting millennial clients in their transition to the ‘real world.’

Lindsay starts by sharing the differences among boomers, Gen Xers and millennials in terms of their expectations around work. She offers her take on what’s behind the ‘Okay Boomer’ meme and why it’s dangerous to overgeneralize any generational group. Lindsay also discusses how the definition of leadership has changed, explaining the value of qualities like emotional intelligence, in-person communication skills and project planning for millennial managers. Listen in for insight around how your organization can support employees in developing learnability and find out why relevant, high-quality professional training and development is crucial to the future of work.


Themes explored in this week’s episode:

  • What inspired Lindsay’s study of generations
  • The differences among boomers, Gen Xers and millennials in terms of expectations around work
  • How boomers, millennials and Gen Z view authority differently based on how they were raised
  • Lindsay’s take on the ‘Okay Boomer’ meme and why it’s so contentious
  • How the definition of leadership has changed + why EQ has become more important than tenure or performance
  • How we can prepare millennials to lead older team members
  • The in-person communication and project planning skills millennials tend to lack
  • How companies can support employees in maintaining a growth mindset
  • What companies are doing well when it comes to accelerating millennial leadership development
  • Why relevant, high-quality professional training and development is crucial to the future of work
  • Lindsay’s insight around owning where you’re at on your journey and taking the next step to get better

Resources from this episode:

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