
Are You in Alignment with Your Values?

Are You in Alignment with Your Values?

There are so many of us walking around the world unaware of which values we ascribe to. Sitting down and identifying our values by name isn’t something that we normally think to do. And that’s perfectly okay! But what if getting clear on your core values makes your...

Refresh and Reset Anytime of Year

Refresh and Reset Anytime of Year

It’s inevitable and it’s my favorite time of year: reflection and New Year’s! But, you don’t have to wait until January for permission to engage in thoughtful reflection, happy planning, and goal setting. The value is as much in the process of planning as the actual...

Own Your Experiences

Own Your Experiences

What if you were to own your holidays instead of letting them own you? How might that feel? Typical complaints around the holidays are usually specific to relatives or family dynamics, too much travel, financial stress, or pressure from work to hit annual goals. With...

Help Your Leadership Team find Clarity.

Senior leadership teams often struggle to create clarity about decision-making authority. Who is responsible (R)? Who is accountable (A)? Who is consulted (C)? Who do we keep informed (I)?

Our Leadership Team Coaches introduce the RACI matrix to help teams answer these questions and commit to a new way of working together.

Download our RACI template, which includes a sample for c-suite leaders.

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