Refresh and Reset Anytime of Year

by | Jun 18, 2018 | Personal Excellence & Authenticity, Podcast

It’s inevitable and it’s my favorite time of year: reflection and New Year’s! But, you don’t have to wait until January for permission to engage in thoughtful reflection, happy planning, and goal setting. The value is as much in the process of planning as the actual plan. You can start immediately. Right now. Or, intentionally set aside a day a week (or month) to think about what you want to do, not what you think you should do.

In this episode, my co-host Katie Rasoul and I share our annual reflection and best goal setting practices, as well as instructions on how to find your central word, symbol, or theme of focus for the year to attract what you want. Wait until you hear how well these practices have served us over the years!

Check out the full episode to hear what we’ve learned from 15 years of annual reflection and goal setting, personal stories of what some of our annual word selection were and how they have impacted our life trajectories, and how to make plans but remain healthily detached from the outcome.

Because, if nothing has changed in a year, how does (or would) that feel for you?

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