
One Leader’s Secret Weapon: Presence

One Leader’s Secret Weapon: Presence

Your brain is processing 400 billion bits of data per second, of which you are only aware of 2,000 of those. Thanks to your reticular activating system (RAS), a bundle of nerves in our brain stems, only the most important information gets through.  Your RAS is what...

Purposeful Hustle with Deanna Singh

Purposeful Hustle with Deanna Singh

When the work you do is aligned with your purpose, the result is inspired action. Rather than grinding through each day, you are propelled forward by a calling to serve. So, what is your purposeful hustle? And how would your life change if you pursued that passion...

Authentic Leadership

Authentic Leadership

‘Who Am I Afraid To Be?’ and Other Questions To Check Your Authenticity As a coach, one of my specialties is coaching high performers on the verge of or experiencing burnout. “Authentic leadership” is one of the most common topics they bring to the table for...

Unlocking High Performance with Jason Lauritsen

Unlocking High Performance with Jason Lauritsen

Work is a relationship. The attributes that drive engagement in the workplace happen to be the same qualities people look for in personal relationships: Feeling valued and cared for. A sense of trust and appreciation. So, what if we treated team members the same way...

Help Your Leadership Team find Clarity.

Senior leadership teams often struggle to create clarity about decision-making authority. Who is responsible (R)? Who is accountable (A)? Who is consulted (C)? Who do we keep informed (I)?

Our Leadership Team Coaches introduce the RACI matrix to help teams answer these questions and commit to a new way of working together.

Download our RACI template, which includes a sample for c-suite leaders.

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